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Isometric Outcomes selected for Bloomberg UK’s
Start-ups to Watch 2024.
Oct 22th 2024

The Bloomberg UK’s Start-upsto Watch list was officially announced at the annual Bloomberg Tech Summit in October 2024 by Tom Giles, Senior Executive Editor and Amy Thomson, EMEA Tech Team Leader. 
Bloomberg UK's Start-ups to Watch canvassed the UK to find 25start-ups that represent the diversity and innovation of the country's start-upscene. Bloomberg looked for the most innovative, new UK businesses to highlightin the list. Their criteria included companies that are growing fast, workingon something truly unique and come from a diverse group of founders from allover the UK. Bloomberg editors considered a number of criteria including: thescope of the problem they're tackling, creativity of ideas, the tractionthey're getting with investors and customers, and their commitment todiversity.
Isometric Outcomes was delighted and honoured to be included on such a prestigious and sought after list. 

Build. with Ebico
Mar 4th 2024

Delivered with the support of Sustainable Ventures and TheEbico Trust, the programme is designed to support innovations in low carbonhome heating and heat loss prevention solutions.
Isometric Outcomes was successfully chosen to complete theBuild. with Ebico accelerator and contributed to their mission of making the transitionto a net zero carbon economy, sustainable living must be affordable to allhouseholds.

Undaunted: The Greenhouse - September 2023
Sept 13th 2023

Part of the Imperial College London’s thriving climate innovation ecosystem, The Greenhouse is one of the most established specialist climate accelerators in the world. Isometric Outcomes successfully completed the programme, accessing their world-class facilities, expertise and networks to advance the product towards market.

Build. with Ebico
Mar 4th 2024

Delivered with the support of Sustainable Ventures and TheEbico Trust, the programme is designed to support innovations in low carbonhome heating and heat loss prevention solutions.
Isometric Outcomes was successfully chosen to complete theBuild. with Ebico accelerator and contributed to their mission of making the transitionto a net zero carbon economy, sustainable living must be affordable to allhouseholds.

Release of XSteamator V0
Jan 29th 2025

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur maximus quam malesuada est pellentesque rhoncus.
Maecenas et urna purus. Aliquam sagittis diam id semper tristique.

Release of XSteamator V0
Jan 29th 2025

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur maximus quam malesuada est pellentesque rhoncus.
Maecenas et urna purus. Aliquam sagittis diam id semper tristique.

Release of XSteamator V0
Jan 29th 2025

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur maximus quam malesuada est pellentesque rhoncus.
Maecenas et urna purus. Aliquam sagittis diam id semper tristique.